
The story… as it unfolds…


🎈where multi-opportunities, not just a mere uni-opportunity, are explored.

🎈where multi-dimentional ideas, not one-dimentional, are developed.

🎈where we go beyond the surface and ALL facets get polished and refined; where the rough & dirty work happens before a glimmer of hope 💎 appears.

🎈where the positive is stronger than the negative; and negatives may become possibilities (which is kinda positive!).

🎈where there’s strength from being vulnerable and honest.

🎈where it’s safe to explore because there are no mistakes here, only research… until they become breakthroughs or lessons.

🎈where the focus is on possibilities rather than limits.

Thanks for coming, I’m so glad to meet you!

I’m always up to something…

I’m the creator of, and currently having fun at:

and I’m still playing around with some other ideas!!


Welcome to my playground!

This is a safe place where everyone’s Inner Child is welcome! Please join me as I allow my Inner Child to play free here and let’s have FUN together!

I encourage my Inner Child to play in this special place and invite yours to join in too so that we can play and learn in this safe experimental playground. If we’re lucky, we just might be able to discover the often buried wisdom and fearlessness that lives in all of us.


Before you dismiss or roll your eyes 🙄 at this Inner Child…

(yes, I saw some of you doing that!)


How often are we skeptical of ideas? How often do we allow fears and hang ups to hold us back from starting or creating something new and/or even from re-visiting an old idea?

To break through this block, I invite you to explore this safe experimental playground with the openness of a curious child… for just a few minutes, feel free to use your imagination here.

There’s no fear in this space when we play and when we fall, we simply pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and start all over again… very happily, even if a little bruised.

Won’t you join me and come play?

Sure, you can call it your Inner Voice

You can even call it Betty if you want; in any case, you know what I’m talking about. A rose by any other name.

The answers are inside you. Sometimes they’re buried deep deep deep within. Sometimes, they’re just hiding beneath the surface and waiting to be coaxed out. Perhaps all it takes is a little gentle persuasion.

The thing is, do you want to face it? Are you afraid of it? You might think not…

I was. I didn’t think I was… but I was.

Then I decided to face it like my Inner Child Super Hero of Possibilities with childlike fearlessness.


what if…

anything was possible?!

(remember when you believed this as a child?)

What was your happiest moment when you were a child? Do you even remember?


❤️ What do YOU* really want? (What’s truly important to your Inner Child?)

❤️ What would make YOU* truly happy? (How would your Inner Child answer this with pure honesty?)

❤️ What do YOU* really want to do? (What does your Inner Child truthfully love & enjoy doing?)

What’s holding YOU* back?

*the assumption here is that you’re answering these questions as a responsible adult with the honesty and wisdom of your childlike inner child. This doesn’t work with irritating childish closed-minded brats! No Brats are allowed in this playground.

Looking around, many seem to answer these questions like it were a game.

Without thinking too hard, many would try out different answers to see what results they would get. Sometimes, some might throw caution to the wind and answer rashly. Sometimes, others may be more careful because the stakes were higher. At times, they would change their answers on a whim or fancy. Some would also test and see what they could get away with. Some would try different answers behind closed doors. Often, it appeared like the game “What’s behind That Door?”

Do you really want to treat your life like a game of chance?

With this only ONE chance at life, wouldn’t it be careless to consider it a game?

Your life is NOT one big game of chance!?!

Maybe it needn’t be like a game. Maybe it could be an intentional way of living life.

One by one, I tried to find the answers to these questions for myself and my inner child. I knew that if I took care of her, it would mean that I was also taking care of myself because she always tells it to me like it is! I decided that it was worthwhile to answer these questions truthfully, thoughtfully and intentionally.

The truth can be really scary. It’s no wonder that people often try their hardest to avoid it. How you answer can change the whole course of your life! And like most things, the more you practice, the better you get at it. My Inner Child decided that she wanted to be as good as she could be at this because her one precious life deserved it! I decided to listen to her and Multifaceted Lorraine discovered how to live her One Best Enough.Already. Life.

And she continues to live happily ever after, perfectly imperfectly.


Is your Inner Child HAPPY?

sad? audacious? petulant? impetuous? sensitive? caring? curious? bored? excited? daring? scared?

As adults, we all put up a front for survival. We do it to thrive at work. We do it to perform our numerous roles in life. We even do it in front of friends and family.

A baby has no filters but as we all start growing up, we learn, more and more, how to hide our true feelings. Sometimes we do it so well that we even forget how we’re truly feeling.

But as an adult, you also have the ability to take care of yourself in a responsible way and if you ensure that your inner child is truly happy, chances are, you’ll also be a happy adult. But if you’re an unhappy adult, try looking into your inner child who holds the key to what truly makes you happy. It requires the ability to have a level of openness that most adults have lost. No one can be blind to the pure honest happiness of a child. The child can be happy whether you understand it or not. The ability to not insist on having to understand everything before accepting it, is what liberates you to explore around, which ironically then allows you to understand more.

Now imagine the power that comes from understanding what truly makes you happy at THAT level.

I made the decision to pursue that.

This is my on-going journey… with its highs and lows… OH! what an adventure it’s turning out to be!!

If you feel stuck or scared or even inertia……. come join me for this joyride - we can have fun adventures together!

We may have different journeys but our desired destination is the same - to reach what matters most to us with this ONE chance at life that we have.

Some Fun Facts

because it’s OK to be strange but NOT OK to be a stranger! 😊

🔎 I share 2 different Fun Facts about myself in each of my websites 🔍


Fun fact One : I ❤️ Power Ladies

Several years ago, there was a trial run for Groups within Lara Casey’s PowerSheets*** website. You could create a group and you could join any of the groups. Many were members of multiple groups including myself.

When one group denied me entry, I felt really hurt. I had no reason to be, really, because I know that there was nothing personal about it. Anyway, I asked myself, “What if…” and decided to convert that hurt into creating a group of my own where I wouldn’t deny anyone entry. I called that group, POWER LADIES. We became one of the most active groups.

The trial run ended and we said our goodbyes. If you happen to be reading this and were one of the POWER LADIES then, please do say Hello! Are you still using your PowerSheets? I am!


***PowerSheets is now acquired by The Daily Grace Co. Please note that PowerSheets, The Daily Grace Co., Cultivate What Matters.com and Lara Casey, are all in no way associated or related to me or my websites. I’m simply a fan of PowerSheets and have been using it for years.


Fun fact Two : I ❤️ having Fun

I once made a dance video with a cow mask on for a friend’s birthday, complete with cow bells! Why? Simply because I felt I didn’t need a reason to do something crazy and fun! No elaborate arrangements needed. Another example of Do what you can, Use what you have, Right where you are! I’m including this as a reminder, to you and myself, that we shouldn’t always take ourselves so seriously. It doesn’t hurt to just chill and have crazy fun sometimes.


I’d love to know, so please tell me:

  • What is YOUR story?

  • How is your story unfolding and do you like how it’s going?

  • What’s holding you back and/or distracting you from what matters most to you?


Please let me know if you have any questions or share anything else you’d like to discuss! 😊


Together is Better

I hope to create a space where you can relax, smile and feel happy whenever you visit any, or all, of my websites. Similarly, I hope to add some cheer and useful inspiration to your day through my emails. Perhaps my emails can help you check off the “Have I smiled today?” on your To Do list. If you haven’t put that on your To Do list yet, you should do so from now on! 🙂

Enjoy your journey and know that you’re not alone.

I do NOT send an incessant number of emails. I hate receiving those myself! You know what I’m talking about. In fact, I appreciate and look forward to those occasional emails from people I actually want to hear from! I hope to offer you that same happy anticipation, if you’d allow me. You’ll hear from me only when I think something that matters will bring you some positivity. Start looking forward to receiving emails that you actually want to open!

Sign up N😊W for some happiness in your Inbox!

No incessant emails and never spammy!

Don’t miss out - Sign Up NOW!

And be assured that you can unsubscribe at any time.


So, why is my name

Multifaceted Lorraine?

Find out 😁 by clicking on the

About & What’s New page


You can always find

up to something at :

Multifaceted Lorraine is always up to something and I currently Blog on Multifaceting.com sharing my journey as I recreate ClosetDelights.com. Understanding how stressful & overwhelming it can get and after having my Enough.Already. breakthrough, I wanted to create a FUN respite for other burnt out humans and solopreneurs, to share what has helped me stay driven & motivated to do what I love and to love what I do.

Closet Delights (also me but a different brain facet!) is doing a collaboration with Multifaceting.com to create the Fun & Colorful ©Enough.Already. Collection and some Closet Delights brand items.

EnoughAlreadyLife.com is a reminder for everyone about what matters most and regardless of what curveballs life throws at you, you can live your One Best Enough.Already. life now!

MultifacetedLorraine.com explains my name and how we can all stay motivated to move forward towards a fulfilling life.

ClosetDelights.com will sell Closet Delights brand items, Handmade With Love items & Vintage items. Coming Soon! Find out when the shop opens & get updates HERE 👈🏻 use this link to get information exclusively about Closet Delights and nothing else. No spam emails.

BIZiBuddys.com will be a community of Solopreneurs that support and encourage each other on their entrepreneurship journey. Find out how you can get notified when it begins by signing up HERE 👈🏻 Using this link means you will ONLY receive info about BIZiBuddys. No spam emails.

❤️ Please visit my SHOP for FUN stuff ❤️

Please note that my shop is at Multifaceting.com
